Make It Go Viral!

  • March 17, 2015

Now is a good time to infect your business with viral marketing! Finally leaving the list of an internet taboo that was formerly used for all the wrong reasons, Viral Marketing is today’s marketer’s fav and topping the aspirational chart of every digital marketing strategy.

Posted a day back and BAM!! it’s all over the internet in the next day/week/month; Viral campaigning is something afterall! A great marketing strategy perhaps when you are looking to launch a new product, promoting a cause, building a brand or just seeking attention.

Social media where 100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every 60 seconds, more than 4.75 billion pieces of content is shared on Facebook every 24 hours and 500 million new tweets are added to the list per day, getting neglected is also as easy. But, one right strategy and you can be talk of the town within no time.

Understanding the Basics

Word of mouth is 10 times more powerful than the traditional marketing, but it can affect your business adversely too. Make sure the content you present on social media to get viral, connects with the emotions of the users that creates the urge to share and engage along with keeping it authentic and genuine. As much genuine and non-viral intention your content will convey, more are its chances to be so! Remember viral marketing is always part strategy and part opportunity.

Follow the Principles


Take A Note

A campaign, video, tweet or picture sometimes go viral when not expected while many of such planned campaigns come back empty handed. Here are few points to ensure success:

  • Stay patient, let virality runs its course
  • Select a relevant base for your campaign
  • Take time to weigh your ideal social media platform
  • Include your business purpose in it
  • Plan it ahead of time and trends
  • Inject the unique factor in it
  • Plan the budget with utmost care

For something that’s completely dependent on user’s behavior, it’s always difficult to define the rules that might make it work. Even if your campaign is not a success at the end, make sure you enter the battle with all the right tools!!

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